Paul Raymond Carter F.Inst.SSE P.Eng MSPE Crds Ctis
Founder Partner of The School of Waterproofing, an independent company set up to assess and promote the levels of knowledge in all aspects of structural waterproofing. The school was originally appointed assessor for the British Structural Waterproofing Association [BSWA] and Property Care Association [PCA] for the specific task of training for attaining status for inclusion in the register for companies who wish to offer Insurance backed guarantees, issued by The Guarantee Protection Trust Ltd. [GPT]. However, after considering the School had taken a more commercial than skills based qualification route, Paul took his knowledge base to The Institute of Specialist Surveyors and Engineers, in order to develop a best practice, high level surveyor qualification process.
Advised The Construction Industry Training Board [CITB], Occupational Working Group [OWG] for Structural Waterproofing National Vocational Qualification [NVQ] during which time also trained as an Assessor for NVQ’s levels 2 & 3, for surveyors and operatives in Remedial Treatments, Structural Waterproofing, Paul was also advised on an NVQ qualification in Timber Engineering, based on the recently issued Euro code 5. Since 1990 has worked as an independent consultant, specialising in design and defect analysis in the fields of structural waterproofing and timber engineering.
Paul considers himself very fortunate to be recognised by Industry and Professional Associations as one of the leading experts in structural waterproofing and timber engineering.
Paulette Kiely - Director - Surveyor
Paulette joined GO5 in 2012 to help expand business development. Paulette has established key relationships with contractors and clients that share GO5’s vision and continues to explore new innovations for the industry.
Grant Evans - Surveyor
Grant is the newest member of GO5 and brings a wealth of knowledge from the housing sector.
Grant has worked in the industry for over 10 years and has managed many contractor relationships for general repairs and development. His expertise include the understanding of our clients and customers needs.
He is currently training to become an expert in structural waterproofing, damp and timber engineering.